Business Connect Luncheon: April 2024
Speaker Todd Thorson of TANJ Cybersecurity & Technology equipped attendees with real ways to protect their businesses from cyber threats. Todd provided a handout with 8 tips that business owners can act on today including password safety, two factor authentication, device security, credit card usage, and social media security. He also emphasized the importance of educating all staff and family members to ensure the safety of both business and personal information.
Join us next month at The Oaks Grille for speaker Alton Duderstadt's presentation: Free Ways to Promote Your Business Using Google & More.
We’d like to give a special thank you to our Luncheon Hosts:
Annual Luncheon Business Leaders:
Earthmover Credit Union
Cornish Chiropractic
Harmony Aesthetics
Providence Bank & Trust
Monthly Luncheon Hosts:
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. -Scott Gajewski
Yorkville American Legion Post 489
If your business is interested in being a Luncheon Host contact the Chamber office at (630)553-6853.