Fall Kendall County Career & Resource Fair
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (CDT)
Let’s join forces! You’re cordially invited to participate in our upcoming Fall Kendall County Career and Resource Fair. The Fair will be held at Fox Valley YMCA in Plano, at 3875 Eldamain Road, Plano. The event will take place Wed., October 16th from 12pm – 4pm. Setup begins at 11:00am, takedown after 4:00pm. The Fair is sponsored by the Fox Valley Family YMCA, Kendall Economic Development Alliance, Kendall County Forest Preserve District, Illinois Department of Employment Security, Joliet Junior College, Plano CUSD#88, Waubonsee Community College and workNet Batavia. Local businesses and resource agencies are invited to attend at no charge. This is a great opportunity for employers to meet and match with prospective employees. It is a great opportunity to educate the community about your business. We want to bring motivated job candidates together with companies actively seeking to hire. This is also a great opportunity for agencies to reach the public with information about their services or their open positions. To join our event, register your participation by completing the google form HERE. Registration deadline is: Monday, October 7, 2024. *Upon receiving your registration form, you will receive a confirmation. **Registration is first come, first serve. We look forward to seeing you in October! Please confirm your attendance at your early convenience. If you have any question, please call Kelly Waynauskas with workNet Batavia at (630) 762-2121 or email: waynauskaskelly@kanecountyil.gov. Thank you! Regards- Kendall County Career & Resource Fair Planning Committee
3875 Eldamain Road
Plano, IL 60545 United States